Is Your 2024 Resolution To Review Your IT?


Every 12 months the new year brings renewed commitments, ambitions and aspirations. In 2024 many businesses are setting new year resolutions to review their IT. Why? The past few years have shown businesses just how much more they could be taking advantage of technology to advance their business.

The pandemic was like no other. Amongst a variety of challenges, businesses were forced to rethink old ways of doing things. The majority of the office workforce moving to semi-permanent work-from-home arrangements was highly disruptive. This fuelled one of the greatest-ever leaps in the adoption of new technology. Above all, an unprecedented increase in the adoption of communication and collaboration tools. 

All at once the eyes of many businesses were opened to just how much untapped potential exists in the proper adoption of technology. Additionally, this potential was commonly found in technology already being paid for.


Untapped Potential

How many of your processes and workflows had to change to meet the challenges of remote working? Some businesses soldiered on as best they could in ‘unprecedented times’. Whereas others adapted their workflows and found new, often more efficient ways of doing things. Whilst these small gains may not seem like much in a vacuum, the combined benefit of many small improvements has delivered significant results in many mid-market businesses;


  • Improved customer interactions/communication handling
  • Improved efficiency of office staff
  • Reduced admin overhead of cumbersome tasks through workflow automation
  • Increased staff satisfaction and value in their work


The act of innovating and improving can be contagious. Perhaps the greatest benefit many businesses gained from the pandemic was a renewed sense of ‘what if’. A challenging of the status quo and dissatisfaction with mediocre.

By far the biggest advantage these businesses will have in 2024 is a mobilised workforce actively looking to improve all aspects of the business and their interaction with clients.


“Why did it take a pandemic to find out about this?”

A phrase we’ve heard echoed amongst many prospective clients we’ve spoken to recently. Businesses who adopted Microsoft Teams were stunned at the simplicity and capability of the suite which in most cases, included a number of useful applications which they were already paying for but had never used or even been told about.

Unsurprisingly this discovery has led many to question the value being delivered by their current IT solutions provider. In the past simply being responsive and friendly was more than acceptable to most. Now, however, forward-thinking businesses are seeing the true value of a proactive partnership, and looking to the market to see what’s possible.

With eyes wide open, business leaders don’t want to have to wait for the next pandemic to discover tools that could have solved problems and improved their value to customers years earlier. Mid-market businesses need an IT solutions provider that doesn’t simply react to their needs but rather is proactive and able to present ideas to improve their business in real-time.


There is no such thing as a weight loss pill

Unfortunately, there is no overnight fix. In the same way that a personal trainer can not simply deliver on a new year resolution to lose weight, an IT provider is not able to instantly deliver true value to your business. Great results require time, expertise and most importantly, a routine proven to deliver results.

Similarly, a truly proactive IT solutions provider should be a coach. Someone to help you define and reach your goals. To achieve success your provider must take on a leadership role in your organisation; adding insight, ideas and direction to your business. Additionally, a truly proactive provider must be:


  • Able to not only provide reports but also gain actionable insights from network and helpdesk performance.
  • Be disciplined in process and routine to ensure consistent & predictable results.
  • Willing to understand your business, the commercial drivers and challenges.
  • Resourced adequately to ensure proactive personnel can remain strategic and proactive without being dragged into reactive client issues.


Above all it all comes down to process and capability. IT solutions providers must be able to deliver their skills and experience in such a way that it can impart its strength to the client organisation. A reactive service desk function cannot achieve this. A service delivery process designed to deliver technology success however can.



2024 is the year to rethink how IT is resourced. If you are looking for a company that provides IT solutions for mid-market businesses in Melbourne, look no further than Premier Technology Solutions. We are the Technology Success Partner for progressive businesses that see technology as an enabler for growth. 

Premier Tech has redefined what it truly means to support and add value to businesses. We strike a balance between responsive, proactive service and strategic thought and care. We work alongside you to help progress your IT strategy while assisting with day-to-day support, ensuring your business grows and evolves with technology. 

Contact us today and let us help your business undergo the digital transformation it needs.


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